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Be a persistent giver

Prophetess T Sehlwane

In Luke 18:1 to 8, we read about an unjust judge, who did not fear God and did not care what people said. This judge was approached by a PERSISTANT widow. The widow wanted the judge to give her justice against her adversaries. Even when the judge refused and turned her away, this widow did not give up, she kept coming back and demanding that justice be given to her. Eventually the unjust judge decided to give her justice, because he feared that the widow may come back and attack him.

As children of God, we can be like the persistent widow in our giving. We can give persistently and without giving up. If this widow was able to go to the UNJUST judge, we also can be able to keep going to our Heavenly Father with our giving. Even when you think like nothing is happening or your prayers are not being answered, be a persistent giver. God in His justice will eventually bless you. If the unjust judge was able to give justice to the widow, because of her persistence, how much more will our Loving God, bless those who give persistently?

The persistence of this widow reminds me of the persistence of our children when they want something from us as parents. If you tell them I’ll give it to you later, they will definitely come back later and remind you that you said later. If you continue to send them away, they will continue to come back, and ask, until they get what they want. As children of God, our asking is in our giving, meaning that we must give until we get our blessings.

We don’t give because it’s easy, but we give in obedience to God’s Word and because it’s the way to release our blessings. Some people think that the more you have the easier it is to give, I tell you it’s not, because you give in proportion to what you have. When you have R5, and give R2.50, its painful, when you have R10 million, and you give R5million, it is still painful. But if you continue to give no matter how painful, God will surely reward you.

If you persist to give, even in difficult circumstances, your name gets written on the store houses of Heaven, and when your name is written on the store houses of heaven, your gift will advocate for you. When you have a need, your gift of many months ago will speak for you. Listen to what the unjust judge says, he says “let me give her justice, so that she must not come and attack me”. I tell you that as you persist to give, God will eventually say “let me bless her, so that she does not come back and attack me.

In the same manner, give your tithe consistently so that your persistence can be established.

To God be the Glory.

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