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Give without Hesitation

In Genesis 25:22 to 23, we read about Rebekah, who was pregnant and the babies within her started fighting each other. When Rebekah enquired of the Lord, The Lord said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two people from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger”.

In Genesis 27, we read about how Isaac was ready to bless Esau, and how Esau went out to look for game that he could come and cook for his father so that his father could bless him. From this we learn that before a father can release blessings, he must be pleased. We also need to understand that God must be pleased with us before He can declare a blessing over us.

Now Rebekah heard Isaac telling Esau to go and hunt and prepare a meal before he can bless him. Esau went the whole day, but Rebekah, quickly called Jacob and they prepared a meal with what was already in the house, then Jacob was blessed by Isaac. Now many of us can ask ourselves what kind of a mother Rebekah was, we can say how could she have done what she did to Esau, but the truth of the matter is that this was prophesied when she was still pregnant in Genesis 25:23. Her actions were a fulfilment of a prophecy.

Now Jacob, received the blessings because he did not hesitate, he received the blessing because he acted quickly and used what he had at his disposal to release the blessing from his father. Many of us here have got something in our pockets, that we can offer so that God can release our blessings. But the problem we have is that we want to first plan and draw up budgets. If we start calculating before we give to God we will be like Esau who started hunting before he received his blessing. By the time he came back, his father had already blessed Isaac.

God has promised to bless all of us exceedingly and abundantly, what is left is that we must take what we have and offer to God to release our blessings. I’m here to tell you that do not hesitate in giving to your God, because His promise for our lives is true and it will come to pass. It doesn’t matter how impossible your situation might be, but God has made a promise, and it will surely come to pass, you just need to give in order for your promise to manifest.

Some of your promotions are just waiting for you to release them by your giving, some of your marriages are just waiting for you to give in the house of God. It’s not all about experience and qualifications, but it’s also about God’s appointment. Give without hesitation, give without doubt, give and see what the Lord will do for you.

To Him be all the Glory and Honor for ever and ever Amen.

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