Prophetic Message to Senior Prophet Rodney
On Wednesday the 15th April 2015, the guest Prophet at LCMN, gave a prophetic word to Senior Prophet Rodney, from one Man of God, to another Man of God. These are his(Prophet Vincent) words:
1. I’m seeing God increasing your spiritual level, I’m seeing God taking you to a level of operating in signs and wonders, I’m seeing God using you to perform great wonders that will shock many. God is saying to me you have a very rare anointing, you have an anointing that the world is in need of. Because of this anointing, I’m seeing people coming to this church as if they have lost something, and they will leave here being restored and renewed, people will come here and have an encounter with God
2. God is also ministering to me that you are a man of principles, and because of these principles, people may sometimes not understand you, but God is saying those are His principles and do not let them go.
3. God is also telling me that hearing you are a father with a spiritual womb that will give birth to many sons, these will be sons that will be able to read your mind, your sons will be able to read the vison that God has given you from your mind and to be able to run with it. You will raise sons that will not fail you.
4. I’m also seeing God blessing you abundantly, because every time that your hand comes out of your pocket it comes out to give, God is saying to me that, now when your hand comes back to you it will come with substance, all because you are a giver.
5. I also hear the Lord saying He is hiding you, just for a short period, God is saying He will hide you like in the time when Moses went to the mountain for 40 days, when he came down, the people could not look at him because his face was shining with Glory. God is saying He is hiding you to deal with familiar spirit in this church. I hear God saying after this hiding period, those who thought they know you, they will know that they don’t know you.
6. The Lord is also showing me the place Israel, and I hear Him say “I’m bringing my son Prophet Rodney to this place so that I can download things into him”.
7. I also hear the Lord says don’t be afraid to tell these people the truth, God wants to bless the people of this church, but people must know and understand that their prosperity comes through acknowledging the prophetic anointing upon the Man of God.
To the rest of the sons and daughters of LCMN, “respect this man (referring to senior Prophet Rodney), don’t gossip him, but promote him, you will see your life will never be the same “ thus says the Lord God Almighty.