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We all Need Support


On Sunday the 26th April 2015, the Man of God, Senior Prophet Rodney taught us that we all need support in everything that we do. We need to support each other, so that we don’t end up despising one another.

These are his words:

In Genesis 2:21 to 25, we read about how God created a woman from the rib of a man. The man then named her woman, because he saw that she came from him. Now the question is why did God create a woman for the man. God created a woman because He realised that the man needed support. God realised that the man would not be able to accomplish his mission alone.

Even us as children of God, we need to support one another. If we do not have support we will fail. But if we support each other, we will fulfil our destinies. The first kind of support we need as people is the support from the family. A husband must support his wife in her endeavours and so the wife must support her husband in all that he does.

I really thank God for my wife and the support that she gives me in this ministry. I remember even the time she was still pregnant, whenever I would tell her that I’m going into prayer and fasting, she would not just let me do it alone, she would support me, and pray with me, even if she took partial fasts because of the pregnancy, but she supported me. Whenever I need to pray about anything, for however long it may be, she is always there and will always pray with me. When I go into dangerous dry fasting for 40 days, she will also join and support me, even when it’s hard, she will always encourage me. This is why im still standing today.

When Hannah was barren and being mocked by her adversary Penina, her husband Elkanah supported her, he loved her and when it was time for sacrifice, he would give her more potions of sacrifice. This is how Hannah got the strength to pray and keep trusting God. We also see God appointing Aron to support Moses in bringing the children of Isreal out of Egypt. Because God knows the value of support.

Some may wonder how else can we support each other as husband and wife, it 1st starts with prayer, you need to pray together every day and agree on what you are praying about. The moment you pray separately, you will be set back because you are not in agreement. When you pray together as husband and wife, you will overcome many challenges, that is why Adam and Eve were naked but they were not ashamed in each other’s presence, because they supported each other. When you don’t support your spouse, you will feel ashamed of your nakedness in their presence.

In Proverbs 3:6 the Bible says summit all your ways to the Lords and He will make your path straight, but how can you submit to the Lord when you are not in agreement? It is very important for the husband and wife to support each other. When the husband and wife support each other, they will be able to support their children, they will also be able to support their brothers and sisters, they will be able to support in every way.

When you come to church you need to support the vision of the church. But sometimes people say they cannot support something they don’t see. Well the Bible says in Hebrews 11:1 “ Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” So you need to support the vision by faith, because without faith it is impossible to please God.

We must also be able to receive support when we are being supported, because some of us receive support but we don’t see it because we are full of complains and murmuring. There are some men, whose wives support them , but they cannot see because they are busy looking at other women outside. But I’m here to tell you that the wife you have, is from God, there is no better wife than the one you already have. Support her and you will see the goodness of God in your marriage and in your life. We need to support each other in every way, you might think that support is small but it means a lot to God.

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