During the Friday prayer service of 17 April 2015, the Man of God Senior Prophet Rodney taught us to pray and ask God to help us to commit to His Truth.
These are his words:
1. Most of us do not fail because we do not pray or because we do not have faith, but we fail due to lack of commitment.
In God there is no failure. Our commitment to God indicates faith and trust in God. When you are fully committed to God, He will not pass you by, most of you here, are saved because you committed yourself to Jesus Christ.
Most of us ask God for things like a better position at work or marriage, God in His faithfulness answers us, but when things get tough, or when our faith is challenged in that position we withdraw and loose focus....we need to stay committed, we need to commit ourselves to the purpose of God in order to see His Glory.
Some of us come to church, we enjoy the service in the beginning, but in time when we don't get what we want, we draw back, why? because there is no committed...
In Deuteronomy 18: 14 to 20 the Bible says that The Lord will raise a prophet from among you, and you have to listen to him. This means you need to commit to obeying the Man of God.
You are not a failure, you must just commit yourself, don't waste your time by looking at what other people are doing or trying to imitate others, commit yourself to what God has called you for. Let people inspire you, but don't copy them.
When we pray tonight, we r going to ask God to give us the Spirit of commitment. -Commitment in our workplaces -Commitment in our marriages -Commitment in the church of God -Commitment to His Word and His truth.
The woman with the issue of blood, was committed to touching the garment of Jesus, I'm sure if she had told people what she wanted to do, they would have discouraged her, so now children of God, don't seek peoples approval when committing yourself to Gods purpose.
When you are committed, you will endure hardships, because of your commitment. In James 1:12 the Bibles says "blessed is the man who endures hardship, for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life."
We are also going to pray and ask God to give us the Spirit of endurance, so that we can remain committed until we have been approved.
When you are committed, even those who criticise you, will run to you for advise, but when you are not committed you will run to your Criticisers for advise.
When I started this ministry, I had many critiques, people said I'm too young, I will fail, people said I'm moving at an abnormal speed and the ministry would fall, but I COMMITTED myself to what God has called me for.
Today we see men of God criticising each other and fighting for members, why? because of lack of commitment. If you are committed to your own purpose, that which God has called you for, you will not have time to criticise other servants of God.
Lets be committed to the truth of God so that we do not find ourselves in lies.