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Life comes in seasons


On Wednesday the 28 April 2015, the Man of God Senior Prophet Rodney, taught us to be patient and trust in God, for He will bless us in His season.

These are his words:

In Ecclesiastes 3: 9 to 14, we read that God has made everything beautiful in its time. This means that God has appointed a time for everything. Everything that you are going trough in your life is in seasons.

David was just a shepherd, taking care of his father's sheep, that was his rough season. He never thought that he would become king. But the rough season came to an end and he got into a season if blessings. He got into a season of kingship.

Its like most of us here, when we go trough rough times, we complain, not knowing that we are in a season and that season must pass. We cannot get to our season of blessings if we don't PASS through our rough seasons.

When ever we go trough rough time, we must hold fast to the Word of God, and know that He is our Shepherd, He will guide us until we get to the season of joy. We need to be persistent and consistent in prayer, so that we can pass trough our rough seasons.

I'm here to tell somebody that is going trough a rough season that you are not there to stay, you are just passing trough, the Lord your Shepherd will carry you through till you reap fruits of joy. Don't get tired, don't loose focus, you are passing trough.

Some of you are looking at your friends and you see them blessed, don't worry, don't loose hope, your seed is not the same as theirs, your season is coming. Some of your friends are laughing at you and mocking you, saying "are you not the one singing Glory Haleluya, but why is your life stagnant", don't worry, your season is coming.

God will surely bless you, God will not pass you by. Do not fear any evil, the problem with us today is that we fear man more than God. But David says in Psalm 23, "The Lord is my shepherd".

Some of you wonder why people leave you when you go trough rough times, its because they were in your life for a season. When that season passes, they also go, but God will never leave you, He will never forsake you. God knows that there are people you need in your life and there are those whom you need. Don't cry when God removes the people you want and brings the people you need.

Don't allow the devil to penetrate to your season, go trough your season and you will see the Goodness of God.

Jesus also went trough various seasons, there was a time He was rejected, but in His season, He became the Chief cornerstone(Psalm 118:22, Acts 4:11). If you are rejected today, wait for your season, God will lift you up and make you the chief cornerstone.

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