Words of Wisdom
Words of Wisdom by Senior Prophet Rodney Friday 10 April 2015
1. In everything that you do, you need the appointment of God. When God has appointed you to a particular office, no one can remove you.
You must pray and ask God to appoint you to His will, ask God to appoint you to His purpose for your life, ask God to appoint you and strengthen you. Say "Lord Jesus, strengthen me to do Your will, strengthen me to read Your Word with understanding, Lord strengthen me to walk in Your ways and to please you always."
2. In Psalm 69: 12 to 14 we learn how to pray, when people speak about us and criticise us, we direct our prayer to God. Because in His acceptable time, He will hear us and deliver us.
People say " I pray but I don't know if God hears my prayer", if you are living a life of purity, God will hear you in His acceptable time and He will reward you according to your request.
3. Some of us God brought us out of darkness but we still want to practice things of darkness. God requires the highest degree of purity from us. We cannot say we are children of the light when we still go around drinking and behaving like children of darkness. If you want to be drunk, as a child of God, be drunk in the Holy Spirit so that you can see visions of God.
Some of you God has called you to be the light of your family, God appointed you out of darkness and brought you to the light so that you can bring salvation to your family. But if you are still living as a child of darkness, you will not be able to shine to your family.
If you want to please God be pure and do not allow sin to be a habit in your life. Have nothing to do with sinful desires.
4. In Jeremiah 1: 9 to 10, God says He has put His Words in our mouths, and appointed us over nations and kingdoms. But some of us now, instead of being over kingdoms, kingdoms of darkness are fighting us.
God has placed His Words in our mouths so that we can uproot and pull down all kingdoms of darkness that are fighting us. If you don't have The Word of God, you cannot uproot any kingdom.
4. Your journey of Salvation is your responsibility and not the responsibility of any servant of God. Servants of God are there to speak the mind of God and to give you directions, but you need to maintain your relationship with God. You know how to maintain your body image and and take care of your body, you don't need anyone to tell you that its time to change your hairstyle, so why do you not maintain your spiritual growth in the same way?