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They will ask “how come you are so blessed”?


In John 9: we read about the man born blind. In verse 18 & 19, we see how the Jewish leaders questioned the man’s parents and asked them that if this is their son, who was born blind, how come that he is now able to see? Today, I’m here to tell you that God is going to bless you with a blessing that people will ask if it’s really you that is so blessed and how come you are so blessed.

When we read the Bible from verse 1, we hear the disciples of Jesus asking Him about the man born blind, they say “Lord, who sinned, so that this man can be born blind? Is it him or his parents? You see some of you want to blame your past or where you come from for your situation, but listen to what Jesus is saying, He says “ Neither this man nor his parents sinned.”

Some of the situations or difficulties you are facing, happen so that God can be Glorified, you may think it’s because you are coming from a poor family or maybe because your parents were not educated, but Jesus says “this happened so that the works of God maybe displayed in him”. Your situation happened so that the Name of God maybe Glorified.

You may be coming from a poor family, but God will bring prosperity into that family trough you. You will be blessed and prosper so much that people will ask, “is this not so and so born into that poor family” ?and when they realise that it is you, they will now ask each other, how come that she is now so blessed? What I’m trying to tell you child of God is that do not be discouraged by your situation, it’s going to display the works of God.

When the devil thinks that he has decided that your life will end in pain and misery, when he thinks you are like the man born blind and your eyes cannot see, God will send you a prophet, one by whose instruction you will be healed. This is why when they questioned the man about Jesus he said “He is a Prophet” (verse 17).

The man born blind came in contact with Jesus, and his eyes were opened, you will come into contact with Jesus, and your eyes will also be opened, your business will prosper, your career will flourish, and people will ask, is this not the person we knew to be struggling and afflicted, how come she is now blessed?

When you receive Jesus, it’s not for a show off, it’s for that transformation of your life. You see child of God, salvation without Jesus is nothing, healing without Jesus is nothing, marriage without Jesus is nothing, business without Jesus is nothing. But when you have Jesus, people will ask, how come your life has changed so much, and you will say unto them, I have met with Jesus, the Prophet.

But one point of serious consideration is this, Jesus gave instruction to the man born blind, after He had spit on the ground and took the mud made of His saliva, He took it and smeared on the eyes of the man and said “GO, WASH IN THE POOL OF SILOAM”. Today many people are asking why is there anointing water? Why is there faith bracelet, but Jesus used mud to open the eyes of a man born blind.

If that mud was taken and put up for sale, a lot of Christians that understand that God uses various mediums to display His power would buy it in bulk. So it is important to also note that as you use any medium of God, also follow the instruction. If the man had not gone to wash his eyes in the river of Siloam, he would still be blind.

Today if you call on the Name of the Lord , and follow all His instructions, you will also come into contact with Jesus and people will ask how come your life has changed so much? If they had called you names and thought they know your family to be in bondage, and nobody from your family is succeeding, they will ask each other, how come she is succeeding? All for the Glory of God.

To God be the Glory.

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