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Do not give up (All Night Prayer Sermon)

During the all night prayer of Friday the 3rd April, the man of God Senior Prophet Rodney delivered a prophetic message that will prompt all who heard it and all who read it to press on and not give up on their faith. The Man of God reflected on the journey that Jesus took to Calvary, and confirmed trough scriptures that it was not an easy road, but because He loved us so much, He did not give up.

These are his words:

Most of us face difficult situations in life, we face disappointments in our careers, and arguments in our marriages, rejection by other people, because of our human nature, we want to give up. Look at Jesus our Saviour, the cross was tough for Him as well, but when He thought of you and me, He did not give up. Jesus is our example, if He didn’t give up, why should we give up? When it gets tough, we look upon Jesus, for trough Him we shall do all things.

When Jesus carried the cross, it was not around good circumstances, He had not eaten, He was tired, He was in pain from all the beatings, He was being insulted and ridiculed, He was betrayed by someone He trusted, He had every reason to give up, but because of you and me, He never gave up. Some of us want to give because we know that our situations are a result of our sins or our ignorance, but God says “come now, let us settle the matter, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” Isaiah 1:18. There is no sin that is too big for God to settle.

Whenever we commit sin, we cause Jesus to be condemned, but this is also not reason enough for us to give up on our faith. Judas hanged himself because he gave up. When he realised what he had done, he was remorseful, instead of going to God to ask for forgiveness and to repent, he gave up. (Mathew 27:3 to 5). We need to fill ourselves with the knowledge of God so that we do not fall into sin, Jesus knew from the start that Judas was going to betray Him, this is why in John13:21 He says “one of you is going to betray me”. It is very important to know that as a child of God, when we fall into sin, as most of us do, we must not run from God, but we must run to Him.

Easter is a time of repentance and accepting the standard of Jesus Christ. If we accept Jesus Christ we do what He has done, we love those that He loves and we care for our neighbours. There is no love without giving. Jesus gave His life because He loved us, so we must live for Him in order for our lives to be preserved. When Jesus was going to carry the cross, they forced Simeon to carry the cross with Jesus(Matthew 27:32) today, no one will force you to carry the cross, you will choose to carry the cross with Jesus, by loving your neighbour, giving to the needy and praying for those who persecute you.

Stand firm on the word of God so that the devil does not find a way to invade your life. When it gets tough in life, remember what Jesus our Master did for you. Also reflect on the death of Christ and what it means to you, what are you doing to live as to someone whom Jesus died for? Don’t give up, hold on and always look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Jesus Christ will give you strength to finish your race of salvation.

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