Friday Prayer Service
Emmanuel and Good morning.
On Friday the 27th March 2015, Senior Prophet Rodney taught us the essentials of prayer. These are his words:
1. We need to learn to be grateful to God, the words "Thank You" can change your situation...Job was always grateful to God, even when he heard news that calamity had befallen him in all areas of his life, he still said "may the Name of the Lord be praised"( Job1:21). Tonight we have many reasons to thank God, lets thank Him that His love still abides in us. In that job that you are waiting for, this is your night to say thank you Lord, in those challenges, say "thank you Lord, for these challenges are not here to kill me but to lift me up"
The words "thank you”, are not for sale, but must be said from the heart. No one can buy a heart of gratitude. The more you say thank you Lord, the more you will see the manifestation of God's power.
2. The devil is attacking us through our identity. Right now, if you argue with someone and you don't know them, you have nothing that you can use against them, but when you know them, you use their back round to hurt them. Now the devil is using our background against us. We try to progress and get an education, he says "you come from a poor family, no one in your family has ever made it this far".
When Esther was in the beauty pageant in which the king was going to elect a wife, Mordecai forbid her to reveal her identity and family background (Esther 2:10). If Esther had revealed her identity, she wouldn't have been eligible to enter the pageant for queenship irrespective of how beautiful she was, and she would have never been queen. Her identity would have disqualified her to become queen.
When Jesus was attacked, they used His identity, no matter how many signs and wonders He performed, they always reminded Him that He is a son of a carpenter. Whenever Jesus would declare His Lordship, they would tell Him that "we know you, you are son of Joseph, and we know your brothers and sisters". But Jesus didn't look at His family background, He focused on what God had called Him for.
Today you child of God also have a responsibility to stand against the identity that the devil gives you. some of us find ourselves attacked by people whom we know, they are using our background against us, we are going to pray, and ask God to restore our identity, that which He created us for, not the identity that people see, but the identity of God' image, we are going to ask God to restore the identity of our families, so that our family background cannot be used against us. When God restores your identity you shall know who you are and who you are called to be.
3. On Wednesday we prayed against the spirit of unfinished projects, we need to continue against this spirit. The spirit of unfinished projects is that which is brought by Sanballat and Tobiah, it’s that spirit that will ridicule you when you start something and speak against you so that you do not complete it. Nehemiah 4:1 to 3. This spirit is fighting the children of God so much, even now when we walk around the streets, we see unfinished houses that had been standing for too long, you ask the owner what the problem is, they will tell you that " since I started building, my money just disappears, I don't know what is eating my money" it’s the spirit of Sanballat. you see people registering for a study programme, they just drop out, for no reason, it’s the spirit of Sanballat, you see people paying first instalment of lobola, before they can finish, the marriage comes to nothing, it’s the spirit of unfinished projects, brought about by Sanballat. We need to pray against this spirit and ask God to turn those curses and ridicules into blessings.
If that spirit is fighting against your family also, you need to stand in the gap and pray for them. I had to go home to Limpopo after the Wednesday service, and gather my entire family, from my mother, to all my aunts and relatives, I had to pray and break this spirit of Sanballat. You need to intercede for your family, you are their intercessor. Pray that God turns all curses to blessings and God will give you strength to complete whatever you started.
Nehemiah 13:2
"2 Because they met not the children of Israel with bread and with water, but hired Balaam against them, that he should curse them: howbeit our God turned the curse into a blessing."