During the Live Sunday Service of 22 March 2015, the Man of God delivered the message from God Almighty by boldly declaring that every prayer that is said in the Name of Jesus Christ, with faith in the heart will manifest the power of God. He based this statement on Psalm 110:1&2. In this scripture we hear the Lord saying to the Lord(meaning Jesus Christ), sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool.
This is the message from God, by Senior Prophet Rodney, General Overseer of LCMN:
Jesus is seated at the right hand of God, where He is interceding for all who pray and believe in His Name. This is why Jesus says if you ask for anything in my Name, it will be given to you by my Father in Heaven( John 16:23). When we pray in the name of Jesus, prayer goes to Jesus, Jesus then takes the prayer to God. The prayer is answered by God because of Jesus. God has assured Jesus that He will fight all His battles, so if you as a believer bring your battle to Jesus, God will fight for you because that battle is no longer yours, you have given it to Jesus.
As children of God, we need The Holy Spirit in our prayers and in everything that we do. The question then becomes, How do you know that you have The Holy Spirit? The answer is found in Acts 1:8. You will know that you have the Holy Spirit by the manifestation of the power of God.
There are many who have received power through the Holy Spirit, but they are not able to exercise that power because of doubt. Doubt causes the flesh to limit the power that you have received, this is why the Bible says, “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41). If you have doubt, it means you do not have faith. No matter how much power you receive from the Holy Spirit, if you do not have faith, you will not be able to use that power.
Every child of God must receive the power of the Holy Spirit. Everyone who says yes to the Lord Jesus Christ is entitled to receive the Holy Spirit. God talks to us through the power of the Holy Spirit, He reveals Himself through visions and dreams. Everything that we do as children of God must be directed by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us power to speak over our situations, and to oppose every evil power in our lives, for example, demon can say you are dying but the Holy Spirit will say you are not dying but are being raised to life.
In Acts 5:12-16 we see the apostles performing many signs and healing the sick, by the power of the Holy spirit. When you have the Holy Spirit, everything that you touch will be affected by the Holy Spirit in you. You as a child of God are anointed, everything about you is anointed, even your shadow is anointed. That anointing that was upon Peter to heal people through his shadow, is also upon you as a child of God.
In Numbers 22:28-30 we see God speaking to Balaam trough an angel, but today, because The Holy Spirit has come upon all believers, God uses anything to speak to his children. The only problem is that sometimes people don’t listen to the alert of the Holy Spirit. For everything that we are going through, God alerted or warned us, especially before disaster came upon us, but because of disobedience or stubbornness, we miss the warning sign or alert and fall into disaster and miss the blessings of God in our lives.
As from today, know and be sure that God speaks, through the power of the Holy Spirit, When He is giving you an alert, listen and do not argue with the Holy Spirit. Stop blaming people and even the devil for the situations you find yourself in right now. Everything we do has consequences, Listen to the Holy spirit, and obey you will be victorious.